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location milano
Informazioni principali
Nome Questa location è promossa da Location Eventi Milano
Tipo Residenza
Zona Forlanini, P.ta romana
Indirizzo Forlanini, P.ta romana
Telefono 84692131529
Email co.u.nting.m.a.s.te.ra.ngyia@gmail.com
Web scheda_loc.php?id=5619
Metratura Fino a 200 Mq
Capienza Fino a 400 persone in piedi
teatro teatro teatro
Fino a 300
persone a Teatro
Fino a 500
persone a Banchetto
Fino a 400
persone in piendi
Capienza delle singole stanze
Hello everybody. I am excited we saw the guidance here. I’ve been searching for this info for months and I will be encouraging my cohorts to hop on by. The other evening I was traversing through the search engines trying to determine the right solution to my tough questions. Now I am hoping to take it all the way in whatever avenues I can. We are getting all spaced out on the omens we are observing. Moreover, I just hoped to thank you from all of us for such enlightenment. This has boosted me out of my comfort zone. Many exciting things are gaining momentum my world. Its really a perfect community to make new connections. You may value that I am into. when you get a chance, visit my newly created Site:[url=https://staceyleephotography.net/annapolis-wedding-photographer/][color=#000_url]senior photographer around Naples FL[/color][/url]
Altre Informazioni
Potenza Elettrica
Louismug Kw
Come raggiungerci
Hello everybody. I am excited we saw the guidance here. I’ve been searching for this info for months and I will be encouraging my cohorts to hop on by. The other evening I was traversing through the search engines trying to determine the right solution to my tough questions. Now I am hoping to take it all the way in whatever avenues I can. We are getting all spaced out on the omens we are observing. Moreover, I just hoped to thank you from all of us for such enlightenment. This has boosted me out of my comfort zone. Many exciting things are gaining momentum my world. Its really a perfect community to make new connections. You may value that I am into. when you get a chance, visit my newly created Site:[url=https://staceyleephotography.net/annapolis-wedding-photographer/][color=#000_url]senior photographer around Naples FL[/color][/url]
Parcheggi disponibili
Hello everybody. I am excited we saw the guidance here. I’ve been searching for this info for months and I will be encouraging my cohorts to hop on by. The other evening I was traversing through the search engines trying to determine the right solution to my tough questions. Now I am hoping to take it all the way in whatever avenues I can. We are getting all spaced out on the omens we are observing. Moreover, I just hoped to thank you from all of us for such enlightenment. This has boosted me out of my comfort zone. Many exciting things are gaining momentum my world. Its really a perfect community to make new connections. You may value that I am into. when you get a chance, visit my newly created Site:[url=https://staceyleephotography.net/annapolis-wedding-photographer/][color=#000_url]senior photographer around Naples FL[/color][/url]
Altre note
Hello everybody. I am excited we saw the guidance here. I’ve been searching for this info for months and I will be encouraging my cohorts to hop on by. The other evening I was traversing through the search engines trying to determine the right solution to my tough questions. Now I am hoping to take it all the way in whatever avenues I can. We are getting all spaced out on the omens we are observing. Moreover, I just hoped to thank you from all of us for such enlightenment. This has boosted me out of my comfort zone. Many exciting things are gaining momentum my world. Its really a perfect community to make new connections. You may value that I am into. when you get a chance, visit my newly created Site:[url=https://staceyleephotography.net/annapolis-wedding-photographer/][color=#000_url]senior photographer around Naples FL[/color][/url]
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